I will never forget my first job and my first assignment. It was 1986 and Malaysia was at the tail end of a recession. It was a miracle that I got to start this job less than a month after arriving home from Canada. I was blessed with some great superiors and remember my first consulting report coming out with many red marks (review points). I would say that was the beginning of my professional writing development. They were tough but good days. Job talks testing too.
Job 23:10, But He knows the way that I take;
When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold.
Truly testing refines us. We do not like it when we go through that period, but we are so great after. It is like my writing skills. I would not be where I am today if not for the period of testing in my days as a consultant.
I have always looked forward to when I could switch careers, but God kept me there. On hindsight, I now understand better. When hard times come we wonder what we did to deserve it. It will all make better sense later. We may feel God is being unfair, but wait there is something coming.
Father, I am going through testing, but it will yield gold.
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