Ever wonder how the sly and wicked people who make unjust gains getaway with it? They flount their wealth and seem to put down the weak. No one seems to speak up against them. I have seen and heard much in my corporate lifetime. They say things like this.
Job 21:15
Who is the Almighty, that we should serve Him?
And what profit do we have if we pray to Him?
As a person who has a personal relationship with God, I cringe every time I hear this. It is only a fool who would utter these statements. With media technology today, you can hear the same from leaders worldwide. Does it make them right since many are saying the same thing? Eventually they will enter the grave (or cremated) and have to ponder the yonder.
Job 21:30
For the wicked are reserved for the day of doom;
They shall be brought out on the day of wrath.
Job 21:32
Yet he shall be brought to the grave,
And a vigil kept over the tomb.
There is a day we will be called to account for our actions. And the consequences experienced for eternity. If you are reading this and unsure about your eternal destiny, call me or another who has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I guarantee you that you will not regret it.
Father, your ways and thoughts are higher than mine. Lead me God!
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