Every new season in the movie theaters are punctuated by one or more horror movies. I am not sure why people pay to get scared. I am sure it affects them later with headaches, bad dreams and / or deep fear. One of the movies that may be familiar to you is Apollyon. Don't bother looking it up. The title is borrowed from the Bible in reference to a being in charge of these out of the world locusts.
And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon.
It is interesting that the verse is 9:11. Makes it easier to remember. What the biblical Apollyon is going to do is far worse than the movie version. John is getting a detailed close up view of all this. It is not pretty.
Is all this possible?
The Bible has accurately predicted many things, including the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. God's desire is that all mankind be saved through a restored relationship with Him through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Is there anything missing in the information provided? You are no longer "gospel poor". I urge all reading this to not delay. It is not going to be pretty.
Father, it is not pretty, but I know you have your hand of mercy and grace over me and those who would make you their Lord and Savior.
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