The dragon is very much part of British folklore. There are many battles and stories told about them. Most of us that read these stories associate them with children's fairy tales. But in the bible they are presented as part of a real vision of the future. Care to explore them? Dragons are real, just like dinosaurs in the bible.
Revelation 12:3, And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads.
Later in the chapter the dragon is referred to as Satan. And he is cast down to earth after losing a heavenly battle. He tries to cause problems on earth but his plans keep getting defeated. He almost appears as the poor villain in a movie. But this is no movie. This is real life.
Revelation 12:11, And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.
The lamb here, is referring to Jesus. The blood is the sacrifice on the cross. "They" are the followers of Jesus Christ who testify of God's saving grace for them and they share it even if it meant losing their lives.
Yes, the opposition will be great. The devil himself will come to oppose you but all this is temporary because we will be with God on the final day for eternity. Seems like an impossibility. Eternity after the final day? Yes, this will be explained more as I process Revelations further in the coming days.
Father, the time is short and I must ensure the word of my testimony goes out so that many will see and follow Jesus.
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