The world has changed so much in my lifetime. I still remember how we learnt to write good letters, and some even went on to find pen pals over the oceans. Is this this a lost art? I believe it does not have to be. We just have to practice the same disciplines in our email and social media writing. As the writer of Hebrews comes to the conclusion of his letter, you can see how he ends it with a positive note.
Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.
Much can be saved and communicated with a well written letter, email or message. Thinking through the communication may in fact create a legacy for not just a lifetime but eternity, as did the writer of Hebrews. The writer had a great discourse of ancient scripture, its relevance to today's concerns and its prophetic place to the his contemporary times. Hebrews is so rich in thought. Upon further reflection it is very evident that it was written with great scholarly intent empowered by the work of the Holy Spirit. The insights are very much out of this world.
As I write my daily journals I pray that they help you be inspired and challenged. Why do I do this? I have been helped tremendously by a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. In fact I would say this is the biggest decision anyone can make in their lifetime. For this reason I will continue doing what I do here. My prayer is that my written insights will not be human. They should be supernatural insights like we have observed with the writer of Hebrews.
Father, help me stay diligent to write daily for your glory.
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