In many large crowds at a conference you usually have a question and answer session. A moderator would be asked to manage the time. The respondents could be one or more. If everyone understands and follows the ground rules from the beginning, there would be great order and the time would be profitably used to help the learning process. However, the matter of interest could be contentious and people can speak out of order, and the gathering can get out of hand. Paul was dealing with something similar in this chapter.
The use of the gift of tongues was extensive in the Corinthian church. They also seem to be doing public praying for items in tongues. This reduced the practical understanding of the prayers and edification of the church. There was no issue with tongues but everything needed to be done in order and be a blessing.
Therefore, brethren, desire earnestly to prophesy, and do not forbid to speak with tongues. Let all things be done decently and in order.
How do we strike a balance? By earnestly seeking to prophecy. I will never forget when I first received this gift in my home church in Toronto at one evening service in the early 80's. The service was very different that evening. Pastor Bill Mugford was leading the worship time. He did something that was never done before, and never done since during my time at the Stone Church. He made an altar call in the middle of the worship time. I was one of few that went up. He came straight for me. Put his big football hands around my head and we both shouted out in tongues. After I returned to my seat I prophesied for the first time. It was a powerful and unforgettable experience.
Father, help me keep close to you and yearn gifting to be a blessing.
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