A team needs to have a good complement and balance of skills, experience and personalities. Each person could be gifted in different ways but with a shared vision and mission the team is able to work together and see great results. I remember in my days in graduate school doing business administration I wrote a paper on organizations for my Organizational Behavior class. I took the liberty of using Paul's analogy of the body to describe an organization. The professor, who was not a Christian, thought it was interesting and I got a good grade for it. I took the inspiration for my paper from 1 Corinthians 12.
Paul focuses on the giftings and ministries needed for a body of believers. In Christ we are able to work together. Jesus is our "cement". Every joint for the Lord. Every tissue for the Lord. Every nerve cell for the Lord. We need to recognize the different roles each one plays and support each other for the glory of God. We need each other.
And the eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you”; nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.”
Are you struggling to work with someone? Turn to the Lord and seek to glorify Him, seek His approval more than man's, and pray for the success of the other person. Your life will turnaround.
Father, thank you for teachings on organizational behavior right here in the bible. Again, your Word is the textbook for life. Help me to apply biblical principles in everyday situations.
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