We just released our oldest and only daughter to a 3 month overseas medical internship experience. She gets the privilege of being in India and Cook Islands. We were concerned about her travels, but praise God she arrived safely in India. This Psalm reminded me that I should not be afraid. Instead, I need to trust God.
Psalms 112:7
He will not be afraid of evil tidings;
His heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.
There are so many unknowns. When there is no communication you get anxious. You wonder where she is and whether she is safe. I was reminded that she is in Singapore airport for the overnight layover. She should be safe even if she did not get my messages about the transit hotel. I know you are going to remind me not to be anxious. I suppose she is still our little girl. But, this is no excuse. God is trustworthy and He spares nothing for our well-being.
Father, thank you for being there at all times. I know you will look after all our children well. Amen!
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