In some Christian events or services there is a special item called "Invocation". It is a great way to start because it allows for everyone to settle down and focus on the Lord. It usually includes a reading of scripture and prayer. Psalm 113 is a great invocation and this verse stands out for me.
Psalms 113:3
From the rising of the sun to its going down
The Lord’s name is to be praised.
Most of us are familiar with this verse because of the song we learnt years ago. It can be accompanied with some actions. At least for me, you could lose the meaning and blessing of the song when it is simply sang without conviction of heart.
The invocation from this line or verse is that we praise Him all day long. Every moment! It is not limited to our private time, or worse, to a Sunday service. God deserves our praise. In these days of political correctness, or fear of retribution, we hide our praise and perhaps even our identity with Christ. We are robbing others of the opportunity to know our Savior, Master, Lord, Father and Friend.
Father, forgive me for my daily grouch. I want to fill the day instead with praise for You.
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