Have you heard of blood money? It is something offered to the family of a murdered person by the murderer to getaway from a fatal punishment. It is practiced in certain cultures. It does not take into consideration how the crime was committed, and it is form of release from all guilt. However, God has different instructions for the people of Israel.
Numbers 35:31, Moreover you shall take no ransom for the life of a murderer who is guilty of death, but he shall surely be put to death.
A sin is a sin and it needs consequences. The person may repent but that does not remove the consequences of the sin. The instructions in this chapter differentiate between premeditated murder and otherwise. Both allows the person that committed the killing to run to a sanctuary city for a proper judgement. If it is premeditated, the person is put to death. Otherwise, the person remains there until the death of the chief priest.
God's ways are just and compassionate. He works everything for our good. Father, I want nothing other than your ways in my life.
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