Are you listening? One of the most important skills to have in adult learning, where you incorporate facilitated learning or coaching, is the skill of listening. Some term this as "active listening". Many of us instinctively try to get to the point without listening to everything the other person is saying. We do not embed in our listening the sincere action of seeking to understand. I had this problem once at a tyre repair shop where I stopped the mechanic part way through his explanation of the problem and the solution he applied. Yes, I am guilty as charged. John is seeking listening followers of Jesus Christ.
He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
As the Spirit of God speaks through John, we see very different issues and possible consequences for each church mentioned. As I read this it can be easily seen today in the condition of churches in different parts of Asia and the world. Losing first love for God. Going through tremendous tribulation. Sexual immorality and idolatry. Compromising to the world's standards and worldviews. What is our measure? Have we lost track of what is right in God's eyes? Only one of the churches seems to have it all right and it is going through persecution.
There is a call to action for us each day. There is no time to lose. Being ready for the Lord's return is priority number one. Have we listened well so that our daily actions are correct? Each day is precious. The phrase "redeem the time" is commonly used but can we truly do that when we cannot "store" time. Once it comes we need to "spend" it in some manner. Spending the time well, requires that we listen well.
Father, give me wisdom to understand when things are not going in your ways. Help me hear your Holy Spirit well.
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