Ever heard of "kopi money". Translated from my language it is "coffee money". It came from references to the small "fee" you paid to an individual to get a better service or an approval. It usually has something to do with a government process, but you may see this in other situations. The word used seems to imply a small amount of cash, but today the quantity and how it is given has grown in sophistication. It is nothing new and existed in ancient times.
Psalms 26:10
In whose hands is a sinister scheme,
And whose right hand is full of bribes.
The Psalmist is implying it is common to see people offering a bribe. But, he knew it was wrong in God's economy. I like the description that precedes that. "sinister schemes". Much of this is driven by greed. Get rid of greed and this problem mostly goes away. We therefore need to be contented. Both giver and receiver of a bribe. And everyone needs to give a fair wage for work done. Don't be a scourge.
Father, let me be fair and just, and not greedy.
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