Praising someone requires us to look out for things to praise. The problem for most of us, including myself, is that we are quick to see the mistakes and admonish those. It is time to be intentional about looking for the good and praise it. Let today be the start of this practice and the atmosphere will change dramatically as we do it. The same applies to our Heavenly Father. Psalm 145:4 One generation shall praise Your works to another, And shall declare Your mighty acts. This chapter is so full of praises for God. The Psalmist pours out his heart as he speaks of God's goodness. His love. His mercy. He will shout it. He encourages all to share this openly. He is ever ready to help us. He looks out for us. With God like this, who else do you need. What would I do without Him? He overlooks our sin because of Jesus' death and resurrection. We are grateful for the personal relationship we have with Him. All this translates into how we treat other pe...